Programming help

TBT400 disposes of several programming help commands :
Generating commands: objects scan

TBT400 has a command allowing to search a set of objects into several libraries while specifying the type, the name (generic), the attribute (generic), to possibly select a set of members (for the objects with type *FILE) and for all selected object to generate an OS/400 command, after values have been substituted (name of object, library...). This allows -for example- to send to TBT400 the all content of a library into a single command...

Generating commands: spools scan

TBT400 has a command allowing to search into an Output queue a set of spool files, while specifying the name, the status, the user code, the user reference, and for all selected object to generate an OS/400 command, after values have been substituted (spool name, job name, spool number...). This allows -for example- to send to TBT400 the all contain of an Output queue into a single command...