Integrated File System
Since its origin IBM i uses a 3 level file hierarchy :
- Library
- File
- Member
These files are called " native ".
TBT400 operates on this hierarchy in its file history functionality in different ways, according to its parameterization :
- Monofile / Multimembers : simplest method, but all files are required to have the somr record length.
- Multifiles / Monomember : method raising the preceding restriction but polluting the library by the multiplication of the files objects.
- Multifiles / Multimembers : compromise between the two preceding methods, the file names including the record length.
- Multifiles/Multimembers : improvement of the preceding method, the file name also including the current date.
The IFS (Integrated File System) is a component of the OS/400 allowing access in " Stream " mode in input as well as output, access that are similar to the PC and UNIX worlds.
More and more AS /400 applications are now using the " Root "files instead of " native " files.
Thus, TBT400 has adapted itself to this need and allows to manage this type of file in transmission as well as in receipt.
To that purpose, a major directory is created in the IFS " Root " for each TBT400 instance used.
Of course, this possibility coexists with the conventional management of TBT400.
TBT400 also processes the historization and cleaning of these IFS files.